GM Service Operations DATE: September 21, 2009 ZU: Alle US GM Händler, Service Directors, Garantie Administratoren und Teile Manager SUBJECT: Änderungen an den General Motors 100.000 Mile5 Jahr Powertrain Garantie für 2010 Modell Jahr Fahrzeuge Diese Nachricht ist, um Informationen über die a Wenige Änderungen an der GM Powertrain Garantie für 2010 Modell Jahr Fahrzeuge. Bisherige Modelljahrfahrzeuge sind von diesen Änderungen nicht betroffen. Für Modelljahr 2010 kündigt General Motors eine leichte Änderung der Komponenten an, die unter der 100.000 Meile5 Jahre beschränkte Garantie auf alle leichten Autos und Lastwagen abgedeckt werden. Die Garantie - und Besitzerunterstützungsinformationshefte wurden bereits mit diesen Änderungen in allen neuen GM-Fahrzeugen des neuen Modells 2010 aktualisiert. Die folgenden Gegenstände wurden aus dem Powertrain-Teil der Deckung für 2010 eliminiert, jedoch werden sie weiterhin für die gesamte Länge der Stoßfänger-Stoßfänger-Garantie für alle GM-Fahrzeuge abgedeckt werden. Auswählen von Komponenten können auch von der Bundes - oder Landesemissionsdeckung abgedeckt werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Handbuch Arbeitszeitrichtlinien und - richtlinien (Pampup). 1) Das gesamte unter Druck stehende Kraftstoffsystem (Tankpumpe, Leitungen, Kraftstoffverteiler, Einspritzdüsen und Rücklaufleitung) 2) Das EnginePowertrain Control Module (ECMPCM) und Modulprogrammierung. 3) Das Getriebesteuermodul (TCM), Transfer Case Control Module und Modulprogrammierung. 4) Die Drosselklappenmontage. 5) Kupplung und Druckplatte für Schaltgetriebe. 6) Abgedichtete Radlagerbaugruppen oder Naben - und Lagerbaugruppen (Achswellen, Dichtungen und Lager, die Teil der kompletten Achsgehäuse sind, sind noch abgedeckt). Folgende Gegenstände wurden dem Powertrain-Teil der Deckung für 2010 hinzugefügt. 1) Motorölsystem einschließlich der Schläuche, Leitungen und Kühler. 2) Kurbelwellen-Riemenscheibe. 3) Kupplungs-Hauptzylinder Das GMVIS (GM Vehicle Inquiry System) und das neue Global Warranty Management Investigate Vehicle History Bildschirm können Sie diese neue Garantie durch die abgekürzte Beschreibung im Abschnitt "Anwendbare Garantien" identifizieren. Die Wortgarantie am Ende der Beschreibung ist abgekürzt 8220WTY8221. Vorherige 100.000 Meilen5 Jahre Garantien haben das ganze Wort geschrieben. 60100,000 Powertrain Coverage Limited WTY (2010 Modell Jahr Beispiel) Nachfolgende Kommunikation wird andere Programme, die mit der neuen Fahrzeugbeschränkung Garantie auf unsere Fahrzeuge koordiniert werden können. Die beigefügte Formulierung ist, was in allen 2010 Garantien und Besitzer Assistance Information Broschüren für alle GM-Fahrzeuge skizziert ist. Motorabdeckung Inklusive. Alle innen geschmierten Teile, Motorölkühlschläuche, Leitungen und Heizkörper. Ebenfalls enthalten sind alle Stellantriebe und elektrischen Komponenten im Inneren des Motors (zB Active Fuel Management Valve Lifter Ölverteiler etc.) sowie das EnginePowertrain Control Module, Modulprogrammierung, Zylinderkopf, Block, Zahnräder, Steuerkette, Timing Cover, Öl-Pumpengehäuse, OHC-Träger, Ventildeckel, Ölwanne, Dichtungen, Dichtungen, Verteiler, Schwungrad, Wasserpumpe, Oberschwingungsausgleicher, Motorlager, Startermotor, Turbolader und Kompressor. Die Zahnriemen werden bis zum ersten Wartungsintervall abgedeckt. Ausschlüsse. Ausgeschlossen von der Antriebsstrangabdeckung sind Sensoren, Verdrahtung, Steckverbinder, Motorkühler, Kühlmittelschläuche, Ventilatoren, Kühlmittel und Heizkern. Die Abdeckung des Motorkühlsystems beginnt am Einlass zur Wasserpumpe und endet mit dem Thermostatgehäuse und einem Auslass, der am Rücklaufschlauch befestigt ist. Ebenfalls ausgeschlossen ist das gesamte unter Druck stehende Kraftstoffsystem (Tankpumpe, Druckleitungen, Treibstoffschiene (n), Regler, Injektoren und Rücklaufleitung) sowie das EnginePowertrain Control Module und Modulmodulierung. TransmissionTransaxle Coverage Enthält: Alle innen geschmierten Teile, Gehäuse, Drehmomentwandler, Halterungen, Dichtungen und Dichtungen sowie alle elektrischen Komponenten im Lieferumfang des Getriebeübertragers. Ebenfalls abgedeckt sind alle direkt mit dem Getriebe verbundenen Stellantriebe (Nehmerzylinder usw.). Ausschlüsse: Ausgeschlossen vom Antriebsstrang sind Getriebe Kühlleitungen, Schläuche, Heizkörper, Sensoren, Verdrahtung und elektrische Steckverbinder. Ebenfalls ausgeschlossen sind die Kupplungs - und Druckplatte sowie ein beliebiges Getriebesteuergerät und eine Modulprogrammierung. Die Fallverpackung umfasst: Alle innengeschmierten Teile, Gehäuse, Halterungen, Dichtungen und Dichtungen sowie alle elektrischen Komponenten im Lieferumfang des Verteilergetriebes. Ebenfalls abgedeckt sind alle Stellantriebe, die direkt mit dem Verteilergetriebe sowie dem Gebermotor verbunden sind. Ausschlüsse: Ausgeschlossen von der Antriebsstrangabdeckung sind Verteilergetriebe Kühlleitungen, Schläuche, Heizkörper, Sensoren, Verdrahtung, elektrische Steckverbinder sowie das Verteilergetriebe und Modulmodulierung. Die Antriebssysteme umfassen: Alle innengeschmierten Teile, Achsantriebsgehäuse, Achsschenkel und Lager, Gleichlaufgelenke, Propellerwellen, Universalgelenke. Alle Halterungen, Stützen, Dichtungen, Dichtungen sowie alle elektrischen Komponenten im Inneren der Antriebsachse. Ebenfalls abgedeckt sind alle Stellantriebe, die direkt mit der Antriebsachse verbunden sind (d. h. vorderer Differentialsteller usw.). Ausschlüsse: Von der Antriebsstrangabdeckung ausgeschlossen sind alle Radlager, Antriebsrad - und Hinterradnabenlager, Verriegelungsnaben, Antriebssystemkühlung, Leitungen, Schläuche, Heizkörper, Sensoren, Verdrahtung und elektrische Steckverbinder im Zusammenhang mit Antriebssystemen sowie jegliche Antriebssystemsteuerung Modul und Modulmodulierung. Courtesy Transportation Program Während der 100.000 Meile5 Jahre Garantie Deckungszeit, wechselnde Transport und Erstattung von bestimmten Transportkosten werden unter dem Courtesy Transportation Programm zur Verfügung stehen, wenn Ihr Fahrzeug erfordert Reparaturen Reparaturen. Mehrere Transportmöglichkeiten stehen zur Verfügung. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Bedienungsanleitung. Was nicht abgedeckt ist Alle oben genannten Artikel sind nicht für Schäden durch Unfall, Missbrauch, Veränderung, unzureichende oder unsachgemäße Wartung, kontaminierte oder schlechte Qualität Kraftstoff abgedeckt. Mittlere Duty Trucks, einschließlich der C4500, sind von dieser powertrain Abdeckung ausgeschlossen. Für ausführliche Details verweisen wir auf Ihre Garantie - und Besitzerhilfe-Informationsheft. Roadside Assistance Programm General Motors ist stolz darauf, die Antwort, die Sicherheit und die Bequemlichkeit des 24-Stunden-Pannenhilfe-Programms für einen Zeitraum von 100.000 Meilen5 Jahren anzubieten, je nachdem, was zuerst kommt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in Ihrem Bedienungsanleitung oder wenden Sie sich an Ihren Dealerretailer. Die Kontaktinformationen für die Straßenrandunterstützung finden Sie im Abschnitt "Kundendienstbüros" im Abschnitt "Garantie - und Besitzerhilfe". Goodwill-Anpassungen auf Powertrain-Posten Basierend auf der Hinzufügung der neuen 100.000 Mile5-jährigen Powertrain-Garantie würde GM erwarten, dass sehr wenige powertrain-Reparaturen für Goodwill-Anpassungen außerhalb der 100.000 Mile5 Year Powertain Garantiezeit in Betracht gezogen werden würden. Wir bitten, dass Händler weiterhin Goodwill-Entscheidungen von Fall zu Fall analysieren und erkennen, dass Zeit und Meilenzahl immer ein Faktor sind. Die ausgegebenen Goodwill-Dollars werden weiterhin an alle GM-Händler als Memo-Item am Ende des GM-Dealer Analysis (DA) Berichts weitergegeben. Dies ermöglicht es den Händlernetzanbietern, die Kosten zu verwalten und ihren Distrikt-Service-Manager einzubeziehen, wenn nötig. Die folgenden Arbeitsabläufe bilden die gesamte Liste, die in der neuen 2010 Powertrain-Abdeckung enthalten ist. Der Deckungscode-Abschnitt des Arbeitszeit-Zeitleitfadens wird mit dieser Information im November 2009 aktualisiert. Ausgeschlossen von der Antriebsstrangabdeckung sind Sensoren, Verdrahtung, Steckverbinder, Motorkühler, Kühlmittelschläuche, Ventilatoren, Kühlmittel und Heizkern. Ebenfalls ausgeschlossen ist das gesamte unter Druck stehende Kraftstoffsystem (Tankpumpe, Druckleitungen, Treibstoffschiene (n), Regler, Injektoren und Rücklaufleitung) sowie das EnginePowertrain Control Module und Modulmodulierung. Das ist ziemlich beruhigend. Alle teuren Sachen (Teile oder Arbeit) aren8217t Teil der Garantie. Und ist es sagen, dass normale ECU-Software-Upgrades aren8217t abgedeckt unter dieser Garantie So what8217s die feine Druck auf Hyundai8217s 10 Jahr100k Garantie Ist es so schlecht als GMs konzipiert. Wenn sie wirklich Geld sparen wollten, würden sie einfach die Garantie alle zusammen beseitigen. Jeder weiß, dass GM Autos fast 100K Meilen ohne Probleme dauern werden. Zu 8216wordy8217 für einen Laien zu verstehen, obwohl einige Komponenten entfernt scheinen wichtig zu sein. Wirklich was8217s wichtig ist, wie dies im Vergleich zu einer Kia, Hyundia, Honda oder Toyota Garantie ist. Kann jemand sagen, dass diese Komponenten sind oder nicht abgedeckt sind Mindestens wir wissen, dass sie nicht hinter ihren Produkten stehen. So ist der Zahnriemen nur für die ersten 6-7k Meilen abgedeckt. So was ist das Kleingedruckte auf Hyundais 10 Jahr100k Garantie BDB. Hyundai hat Ausschlüsse auf ihre powertrain Artikel too8230check it: 10 JAHR 100.000 MILES POWERTRAIN PROTECTION bedeckt die meisten Motoren 038 Transaxle Komponenten. Umfasst Reparatur oder Austausch von Antriebsstrangkomponenten (d. h. ausgewählte Motor - und GetriebeTransaxle-Komponenten), die ursprünglich von Hyundai hergestellt oder installiert wurden, die in der Material - oder Fabrikfertigung defekt sind, unter normalen Gebrauch und Wartung. Ich möchte diese 8220selektierten Engine und TransmissionTransaxle components8221 sicher wissen. General Motors bewegt sich in die falsche Richtung, um mich zu überreden, einen früheren mehrfachen GM-Kunden, um einen anderen zu kaufen. Inländische Autos dominieren Consumer Reports8217 jährlich schlimmsten der schlechtesten Liste. Jede langfristige Zuverlässigkeit, Haltbarkeit und Garantie Reparatur Umfrage bestätigt, dass sie deutlich unterlegen sind ihre Klasse führenden Wettbewerber. Seit 2005 ist der Marktanteil von GM8217s auf 12,1 Prozent von 23,1 Prozent gesunken. Im Jahr 2000 hielt es mehr als 27 Prozent. Die meisten asiatischen Hersteller umarmen kaizen, Japanisch für kontinuierliche Verbesserung. Wenn etwas nicht funktioniert, reagieren sie mit Korrekturmaßnahmen und erweiterten Garantien vernünftig umgehend. Die häuslichen Autohersteller nicht Wenn etwas nicht funktioniert, ignorieren sie es. Wenn es funktioniert, billigt es es, bis es nicht mehr funktioniert. Dies ist nicht der Vertrauensbauer GM dringend erfordert. Auch das klingt eher wie tweaking als 8220downsizing8221 zu mir. Scheint wie ein waschen Und während nicht so gut wie Hyundai8217s, GM-Garantie ist länger als die Toyota und Honda gibt Ihnen. 2) Das EnginePowertrain Control Module (ECMPCM) und Modulprogrammierung. 3) Das Getriebesteuermodul (TCM), Transfer Case Control Module und Modulprogrammierung. Hum. now warum sollten sie das tun, weil sie argumentieren können, dass die Steuermodule Teil der elektrischen Anlage sind, nicht der Antriebsstrang. Offensichtlich sind Kraftstoffeinspritzung und Steuerelektronik teuer zu ersetzen, so dass I8217m sicher there8217s einige Kosteneinsparungen Erwartungen hier. Vor dem Schlagen GM, it8217d interessant zu sehen, wenn andere Hersteller FI und ECUs als Teil der drivetrain Garantie. Wenn etwas nicht funktioniert, reagieren sie vernünftig sofort mit Korrekturmaßnahmen. Acht Jahre für Honda bis zu shrapnel-gefüllten Airbags. 8 Jahre. Und Toyota hat immer noch über das Lackschuppenproblem des Scion tC gesprochen. Re: slateslate 8230 das Kraftstoffsystem ist eigentlich ein teures Element, da die Kraftstoff-Schiene, Injektoren und Pumpe leicht beschädigt werden. Zurück in diesem Beitrag über die Kraftstoff-Additive, kommentierte ich, dass versehentlich aus dem Gas kann schwer schädigen Ihr Kraftstoff-System 8211, weshalb Ihre Kraftstoff-Licht auf, wenn Sie tatsächlich noch viele Meilen von Kraftstoff übrig bleiben. Natürlich gibt es kein Kunde jemals zu gern aus Gas, wenn sie bringen ihr Auto in für Reparatur 8211 so it8217s ein Garantie-Element. It8217s vernünftige GM zu verteilen Kraftstoff-System Probleme aus dieser Garantie, da sie tatsächlich eine große Kostenposition während einer Garantiezeit8230 sind, aber offensichtlich ist das Motiv aus der customer8217s Perspektive verdächtig. In Bezug auf die ECM-und TCM-Programmierung 8211 so viele Menschen blinken ihre Computer mit Aftermarket-Elemente, die it8217s auch weise für sie zu verweigern Abdeckung dieser Fragen. Gehen Sie auf das Internet für Diablo Tuner und die like8230 you8217ll überrascht sein, was die Leute versuchen, ihre Autos mit Tweaks auf die ECM TCM Programmierung zu tun. Manche Kunden neigen dazu, die schlechten Sachen auf sich zu bringen. Manche Leute rennen ihre Evos in Autocrosses und verfolgen Tage8230 und dann wollen sie Garantieabdeckung, um ihre ihre Fahrzeuge zu reparieren. Ich bezweifle, dass Probleme sich als Geschäftsprobleme manifestieren würden, wenn die Leute sich nur ihren Shenanigans nähern würden. Der Unterschied zwischen Hyundai8217s Garantie und GM8217s Oh, etwa 5 Jahre. Hölle was sage ich, ich bin schon 27 Jahre alt, GM hat noch nie ein Auto gemacht, das ich sowieso gewünscht hätte. (Corvette8230 doesn8217t zählen) alle thosw W-Body Autos. Die J-Autos die Rassel anfällig F-Autos die aufgeblähten LeSabres die Berühmtheit die Laune der Großartigen Ich könnte über die Mist gehen GM hat sich auf uns, aber die einfache Tatsache ist ich Honda8217s, weil sie jeden Tag beginnen und ich don8217t Sorgen darüber, ob ich Sollte es aus der stadt nehmen GM hat mich als Kunde gekündigt oh, vor 31 Jahren. Keine Verbesserung der Garantieabdeckung macht 30 Jahre minderwertiges Produkt aus. Sehen Sie, jetzt ist dies, warum niemand Ihre Autos kaufen wird, GM. Das gleiche alte Werbeversprechen einer großen Garantie mit einem Bündel von Sternchen danach, sagen, dass die teuren Teile aren8217t abgedeckt. Die traurige Sache ist, dass, auch wenn Sie eine echte 10100 Garantie mit allen Teilen abgedeckt, you8217d müssen hart arbeiten, um tatsächlich zu überzeugen, dass it8217s nicht ein anderer GM B. S. Garantie, wo die meisten Teile aren8217t abgedeckt sind. That8217s die wirkliche Wahrnehmungslücke 8211 Leute denken so niedrig von euch Jungs, dass sie alles nehmen, was du mit einem Körnchen Salz sagst. Wenn die Autos so gut sind, wie Sie sagen, dass sie sind, würden Sie eine freihändige 10100 Garantie anbieten. Die Tatsache, dass Sie don8217t anbieten, sagt mir, dass Sie don8217t glauben an Ihr Produkt. 8220Sie würden nicht wollen, um ein CTS-V wirklich zu fahren Wie wäre es mit einem Malibu Nie ist ein sehr breiter Begriff, auch wenn Sie die Corvette ausschließen.8221 BDB: 22. September 2009 um 15:16 Uhr Fair genug, GM machte ein CTS ich möchte , Die 8220V8221 aber es doesn8217t machen eine CTS ich würde über einen BMW von einem simmilar Preis wollen. It8217s nicht, dass GM hasn8217t machte zwingenden Autos, it8217s, dass sie haven8217t machte gute Autos. Die Hyundai Kia Garantie hat viele Ausschlüsse, dass andere Garantien nicht. Ein paar Teilnehmer in TrueDelta8217s Car Reliability Survey haben berichtet, dass 560 Garantieabdeckung auf Artikel verweigert wurde, die fast jeder andere Hersteller unter ihrer Grundgarantie abgedeckt hätte. Das heißt, GM hat die meisten wahrscheinlich innerhalb von 5100 Bits aus seiner Berichterstattung hier ausfallen. Kraftstoffsysteme und Radlager sind viel häufiger zu scheitern als Teile im Inneren des Motors und der Übertragung. Haben die powertrain Garantien bei Ford, Honda und Toyota gehören diese Teile einen Blick wert. Die Anzahl der Personen, die ihre Programmierung modellieren, ist nicht signifikant, und diese Leute sind unwahrscheinlich, dass GM8217s Einstellungen zurückgegeben werden. Die Anzahl der GM-Besitzer, die ihre Übertragungssteuerung mehrmals reflash mussten, um zu versuchen, die Verschiebungsprobleme zu beheben8230weiter bedeutender. Anmerkung zu GM: TrueDelta doesn8217t zählt freie Reflashes als Reparaturen in unseren Statistiken. Wir zählen die, die der Kunde zu zahlen hat. Mehr von der gleichen alten GM zeigt durch. Sie hatten wahrscheinlich eine hohe Rate von ECM - und BCM-Ausfällen zusammen mit Kraftstoffpumpen und Radlagern, so dass diese eliminiert wurden, um zu sparen. Das ist GM, von dem wir hier reden. Sie haben über 10 Jahre gearbeitet, um dort zwischenzeitliche Zwischenlenkwellenprobleme zu korrigieren und hier sind wir 2009 mit Impalas, LaCrosses und Malibus, die noch betroffen sind. Mein 2008 Impala8217s Schacht klingt wie das vordere Ende kommt auseinander, wenn ich links abbiegen und beschleunigen. Haven8217t hatte es doch noch, aber das Auto hat jetzt über 50K auf der Uhr, so dass ich mich wahrscheinlich verschraubt habe. Holydonut: Dann warum nicht einfach nur eine vollständige Leere für Leute, die ihre Computer mit Aftermarket Zeug blinken Es gibt immer die Leute da draußen und wenn sie ein Risiko nehmen wollen, dann sollten sie die Kosten bezahlen. Was dieser Schritt tut, ist bestraft Menschen, die nichts falsch gemacht haben, es sagt ihnen vor der Hand, dass es eine Reihe von teuren Teilen, die GM gewann8217t decken, egal was passiert 8211 fahren dieses brandneue Auto auf eigene Gefahr. Ich habe gesehen, dass es schon viel Medienberichterstattung gibt, aber zu meinen Augen ist es sicherlich GM sieht schlecht aus. Hölle, was sage ich, Im 31 Jahre alt, GM hat noch nie ein Auto gemacht, das ich sowieso gewünscht hätte. Sie wollen nicht ein CTS-V wirklich I8217m nicht Sloan fahren, aber ich kann definitiv sagen, NO FACKING WAY Nur für mich selbst zu sprechen, y8217know Wie wäre es mit einem Malibu Nie ist ein sehr breiter Begriff, auch wenn Sie die Corvette ausschließen. Ein Malibu machst du mich verkündigt, wenn ich mit dem Löffel, mit der Hilfe eines Löffels, mit trockenen Höhen, und ohne die Hilfe eines Löffels 8220Never8221 ist mir nicht breit genug. 8220Wenn nicht immer in einer Million, jillion, teragigamegazillion years8221 fängt erst an, es für mich zu verengen. Denken Sie daran, it8217s Regierung Motoren jetzt8230aka, 8220die öffentliche Option.8221 Vor dem Schlagen GM, itd interessant zu sehen, wenn andere Hersteller betrachten FI und ECUs Teil der drivetrain Garantie sein. Es geht nicht um 8211, um Marktanteile zu gewinnen GM muss alles weit besser machen als die Konkurrenz. Sie brauchen Autos, die 20 zuverlässiger sind als Toyota mit Innenräumen 20 besser als Audi mit Fahrdynamik 20 besser als BMW und eine Garantie 20 besser als jeder alle für einen Preis 20 weniger. Die Vorstellung, dass sie so gut sein können, ist wahnsinnig, sie müssen deutlich besser sein. Ein Malibu Machst du mich verrückt Im Elend mit trockenen Höhen bei dem Gedanken, und ohne die Hilfe eines Löffels Sind wir reden über das gleiche Auto I8217d zumindest Cross-Shop es, wenn ich auf dem Markt für eine mittelgroße Limousine (obwohl I8217d wahrscheinlich am Ende in einer Fusion). Ich meine, TTAC gab es fünf Sterne, für God8217s Sake, und sagte der einzige, den sie übergeben würde, ist die Mazda 6. Hinweis für GM: TrueDelta zählt nicht freie Reflashs als Reparaturen in unseren Statistiken. Wir zählen die, die der Kunde zu zahlen hat. Warum sollte meine Corvette nicht unter Garantie gepeitscht werden, um das 8220lenering Rad zu korrigieren, das unter unerwarteten Bedingungen und nicht unbedingt in der besten Nachbarschaft8221 Problem verriegeln könnte. Es war ein Bulletin für Christus, aber ich habe nicht über das Problem erfahren, bis das Auto an einem Morgen nicht anfangen würde. Ich verlor einen halben Tag der Arbeit, die auf den Abschleppwagen wartete. Zum Glück hat mich meine treue Miata an diesem Tag zur Arbeit gebracht. Aber ich musste noch vor dem Ende meiner Schicht nach Hause kommen, dann warte ich auf den Chevy Höflichkeitsfahrer, um mich zu holen, damit ich meine Vette abholen könnte. Und nach all dem konnte ein anderer Händler später keinen Beweis in der Service-Computer-System, dass dieses Bulletin gelöst worden war, so dass sie die Flamme eine ZWEITE ZEIT. Beide Zeiten wurden unter Garantie abgedeckt, aber die Auswirkungen auf den Kunden in der Zeit verloren und die damit verbundenen Kosten war enorm. Und das ist, warum ich hasse GM mehr als ich hasse Rosenkohl, Kichererbsen und Lima Bohnen alle addiert. Ich sah zumindest einige Reflashes als Verbesserungen anstatt Reparaturen, und denke, sie werden etwa so häufig wie System-Updates von Microsoft. Angenommen, sie verbessern das Auto, ich wollte den Herstellern keinen Grund geben, solche Updates nicht bereitzustellen, solange sie nicht frei sind. Schade, es gibt keine Möglichkeit, sie zu spalten. Damals hätte ich auf einen Samstag gewartet, um eine 8220improvement flash8221 zu machen. Aber nach dem Bulletin war der Blitz, den ich bekam, nötig, um das Auto zu machen, also war es ein 8220fix.8221 Done zweimal. Auf dem gleichen auto In meinem 31 Jahre gm HAS machte eine Handvoll Autos, die ich bewunderte (niemals als Kauf): 87 GNX 89 ZR1 91 Typhoon 95 Riviera 96 Grand Prix 97 C5 04 CTS-V 05 XLR-V 08 ZR1 Aber das ist mit den Corsicas gemischt , Die Centurys, die Park Avenues, die Aveos und alle anderen POS Dass der General darauf bestanden hat, dass ich so ernst nehme. (Ah Hölle das macht Spaß, wie wäre es mit dem Omega, dem Towne Coupé, der Chevette, dem S-10, dem 6000, dem Caprice, dem Cimmeron). Ich habe mich nicht verlassen. GM8230 GM verließ mich. Wenn ich von blinkenden Steuergeräten mit neuer Software und Firmware spreche, denke ich, dass wir uns auf offene Systeme bewegen können, die im Laufe der Zeit aktualisiert werden können, vor allem im Infotainment-Bereich. Einige von it8217s zeigen sich schon wie Ford8217s Sync System und die digitalen Gages und Gizmos auf dem Nissan GT-R. Auf der NAIAS in diesem Jahr zeigte Johnson Controls, was aussah wie völlig programmierbare Instrumententafel-Displays. Irgendwann werden die Dinge wie dein iPhone sein, kauf einfach eine App dafür. Die grundlegende Hardware wie Sensoren, Verstärker, Lautsprecher und Anzeigetafeln werden behoben, aber alles andere wird softwarebasiert sein. Das Blinken, das von einem außer einem Händler gemacht wurde, wäre ein No-No in meinem Buch. Allerdings würden die meisten der restlichen Ausschlüsse, die sie machen, es mir unwahrscheinlich machen, das Auto zu kaufen. Steuerungen zum Beispiel sind elektronische Geräte, die stark anfällig für Hitze, Spannungsstöße, dumme Designentscheidungen und andere solche Probleme sind, von denen keiner unter der Kontrolle des Autobesitzer steht. Du kannst nicht auf einem ECM arbeiten, um sein Leben zu verlängern, noch wirst du wahrscheinlich etwas tun, um es zu veranlassen, früh zu scheitern (kein Blinken). Wenn GM den Controller nicht für eine angemessene Zeitspanne garantieren kann, würde ich ihnen sagen, dass er es esse. Ich glaube, dass Garantien sind nicht immer ein Spiegelbild Ihres Vertrauens in Ihr Produkt, aber sie don8217t nur ziehen sie aus der Luft entweder. Sie sind datengesteuert. Als eine Person, die tatsächlich liest (und liest in) seine Garantiepapiere, würde ich besorgt sein. GM kann es sich nicht leisten, 8220concerned8221 Kunden zu haben. Hey, ZoomZoom, what8217s falsch mit Limabohnen Die powertrain Controller sind oft unter der 880 Emissionsgarantie enthalten. So sie8217re im Wesentlichen entfernen 20.000 Meilen von Abdeckung von Menschen, die mehr als 80.000 Meilen in fünf Jahren fahren. Kein großer Einfluss dort Michael Karesh: 22. September 2009 um 15:38 Uhr Die Hyundai Kia Garantie hat viele Ausschlüsse, dass andere Garantien nicht. Ein paar Teilnehmer in TrueDeltas Car Reliability Survey haben berichtet, dass 560 Garantieabdeckung auf Artikel verweigert wurde, die fast jeder andere Hersteller unter ihrer Grundgarantie abgedeckt hätte. Ich muss einen außergewöhnlichen KIA-Händler haben. Sie ersetzten eine vordere Nabenbaugruppe und alle befestigten Teile als komplette Einheit kostenlos auf 115k Meile auf einem Sorento. Sie sagten, es war noch nie passiert und KIA wollte alle Teile. Dies ist der gleiche Händler, der einen Trans auf einen anderen Sorento ersetzte, der über 120k Meilen hatte. Sie haben mir 200 für verschiedene Gegenstände aufgeladen. Unnötig zu sagen, ich habe KIAs für Service-Fahrzeuge wegen der stellaren Service gekauft. Sie sind sogar vernünftig für allgemeine Wartung wie tune ups, Ölwechsel, Nockenriemen, etc. Die lokalen GM und Ford Händler berechnen jeden Cent sie denken, sie können sich mit und spezialisieren sich auf die Verweigerung von Gewährleistungsansprüchen. Die Malibu bietet keinen manuellen Getriebe an. Fusion, 6, Altima, Hölle sogar die Camry und Accord (zuletzt habe ich überprüft) tun. Also nein, ich würde niemals einen Malibu kaufen. Und nein, ich würde niemals auch einen CTS-V wollen, es sei denn, ich kaufe das Auto kostenlos und bezahlt meine Steuerberatung. I8217m sicher, dass ich es mir leisten kann, es zu fahren it8217s Besitz eines Ich würde nicht bezahlen wollen. Ein Auto ist nur gut, wenn es dem Besitzer zurückgibt (in Mobilität und Freude) mehr, als es finanziell extrahiert. Jpcavanaugh: September 22nd, 2009 at 5:05 pm 8220 Ich denke, dass Alfred P. Sloan (wer hat nichts Gutes über GM zu sagen) und P71 CrownVic (wer hat nichts Gutes über Fords zu sagen) sollten Trading Namen.8221 niedlich, aber Ich habe keinen unberechtigten Hass für die allgemeine, gerechtfertigte Verachtung. Als ein neuer Chevy Lkw-Käufer im Jahr 2004 und die daraus resultierende Misserfolg auf ChevyGMC8217s Teil, um meistens nicht zu ehren, die dann Standard 3636k Garantie Ich lache laut auf jeden Aspekt der ChevyGMC Garantie so genannte Abdeckung und weiterhin zu warnen, wann immer möglich über die Gefahr des Kaufens Ein ChevyGMC Produkt. Die Malibu bietet kein manuelles Getriebe an. Fusion, 6, Altima, Hölle sogar die Camry und Accord (zuletzt habe ich überprüft) tun. Die Camry und Accord bieten ihnen in der Theorie, aber viel Glück finden eine bei der Händler, dass isn8217t eine komplette Stripper. Die Fusion und Altima sind aus diesem Grund gut, aber sie existieren sowohl in der Realität als auch in der Theorie. Ich habe keine Ahnung, was die Garantie auf meine 88 BMW 528e war. Aber 21 yrs350k Meilen später ist es noch auf seinem ursprünglichen Hauptbrennstoffpumpe, Wechselstromgenerator und ECU. Dies ist keineswegs außergewöhnlich für ein E 28. Das Ersetzen der Kraftstoffpumpe auf ein GM beinhaltet das RRing des Gastanks. Macht mich fragen, was sie sonst noch verpasst. Die neuen Autos, die aus GM heraus rollen, sind nett, aber sind sie Klasse führend Wert führend Sie begeistern mehr Vertrauen in die Herstellung auf lange Sicht als ihre Konkurrenten Nein, nein und nein. Sorry GM, du musst viel härter versuchen Aber dann, das ist nur meine Wahrnehmung. Ich saß in einer neuen LaCrosse. Schönes Auto, aber ich habe nichts davon gesehen und dann die Klasse geführt. It8217s wettbewerbsfähig, sicher, aber Klasse führend Nicht zu dem Preis they8217re fragen. GM muss laufen wie Gazellen, um die besten Autos irgendwo zu machen, um uns zu zeigen, dass sie wirklich wirklich wirklich es bedeuten. Stattdessen sieht es so aus, als hättest du auf einen zufälligen Spaziergang BDB: 22. September 2009 um 15:16 Uhr Du möchtest kein CTS-V fahren, wer es bezahlen wird Du oder Bob Lutz BDB: 22. September 2009 at 5:52 pm Die Camry und Accord bieten ihnen in der Theorie, aber viel Glück finden eine bei der Händler, die nicht ein kompletter Stripper ist. Die Fusion und Altima sind aus diesem Grund gut, aber sie existieren sowohl in der Realität als auch in der Theorie. Nicht so schwer wie du denkst Über 400k Camries und Accords werden jedes Jahr in den USA (jeweils) verkauft. Wenn du einen Standard kaufen musst, stehst du eine bessere Chance, sie anzusehen. GM betrachtet dies als eine Methode, um ihre Gewährleistung zu ändern Da die Regierung bereits so beteiligt ist und sich in ihren Betrieb versetzt hat, sollte jemand im hohen Amt eintreten und ihnen sagen, dass sie alles abdecken werden, weil Sie wissen, dass der Steuerpflichtige tatsächlich eine Rückkehr wünschen könnte Auf ihr geld Die BOZO8217s laufen GM noch nicht bekommen sie müssen deutlich besser sein als alle anderen, nicht nur gleich Flush das aktuelle Management auf der Toilette und bekommen Menschen in dort, die tatsächlich wissen, was sie tun Ich saß in einem neuen LaCrosse. Schönes Auto, aber ich habe nichts davon gesehen, dann sagte Klasse Führung. Buick braucht einen Innenraum besser als ein Audi, bessere Fahrqualität als ein Mercedes, besseres Handling als ein BMW und das alles zuverlässiger als ein Lexus. Ich mochte GM in den 70er Jahren. Nicht seit. Sie scheinen sich einfach nicht zu ändern. Jeder, der GM-Autos bewundert, sollte wirklich versuchen, die Konkurrenz zu fahren. Ich kann nicht eine Person benennen Ich weiß, wer GM gerne nach dem Fahren von Konkurrenzmodellen mag. 8220Die Camry und Accord bieten ihnen in der Theorie, aber viel Glück finden eine bei der Händler, die nicht eine komplette Stripper.8221 Definieren Stripper. I8217m alt genug, um sich an die Stripper zu erinnern, die mein alter Mann kaufen würde. Base Modell 4 Tür Chevys und Fords. Keine Radios, elektrische Fensterheber, Schlösser, Lenkung, etc8230 Eine Basis Camry oder Accord ist kaum ein Stripper. Die Accord LX sieht besser aus als Luxus-Autos von alten: automobiles. hondaaccord-sedanspecifications. aspx gleich für die Camry toyotacamryfeatures. html Sie sind wahrscheinlich richtig auf der Suche nach einem Stock auf Lager, aber sie aren8217t abgestreift. Re Karesh und rpiotr01 1) Let8217s klar, es gibt nicht viele legitale Gewährleistungsansprüche (ohne TSB), wenn es um das ECMTCM geht. Aber es gibt eine riesige Anzahl von ECMTCM Reflashes unter Garantie gemacht. It8217s bequem diese sind 8220free8221 für den Kunden zum Zeitpunkt der Reparatur 8211 aber jemand bezahlt für sie. Und technisch ist es ein Preis, der bei einem Erstverkauf an alle weitergegeben wurde. Händler oft tun diese Blitze, weil it8217s eine einfache Möglichkeit, um den Kunden zu sagen, sie versuchten, ein Problem zu beheben 8211 voll wissen, absolut nichts signifikant ist passiert, um den Reflash zu rechtfertigen. Allerdings bucht der Händler die Gewährleistungskosten und bekommt etwas zurück, weil sie nicht eine angemessene Arbeits-op, die die Symptome8230 passen und sie müssen für diese diagnostische Zeit zu bezahlen. 2) Die Gegenstände, die aus dieser Garantieabdeckung herausgefallen sind, sind für den ausgedehnten Antriebsstranganteil nicht die Basis Stoßfänger-Stoßfänger. Ein Auto, das einen Reflash in der Stoßfänger-Stoßfänger-Garantiezeit benötigt, ist noch abgedeckt. 3) Einige TSBs und Rückrufe, die vom Hersteller gesendet werden, werden die Notwendigkeit eines Blitzes des ECM oder TCM erwähnen. Zum Beispiel, einige Kunden, die SRT Chryslers Autos gekauft, brauchten einen Reflash, weil die Übertragung verlagerte 8220sloppy8221 und viele Kunden beschwerten sich. So wurde ein TSB ausgegeben. Diese Arten von TSBs neigen dazu, sehr früh in der Garantie-Zyklus behoben werden, so ist es nicht ein Anliegen der erweiterten Garantie. Allerdings, was GM sagt hier ist, dass sie keine Garantie Arbeit für Menschen, die ihre ECM ändern wollen und TCM blinkt sehr spät in das Spiel nur weil 8220they denken, dass die Übertragung fühlt sich falsch8221 nach 90.000 Meilen. Wenn der Händler feststellt, dass es ein echtes Problem mit den Synchroen in der Übertragung gibt, dann deckt die erweiterte powertrain Garantie es ab. Wenn der Dealer kein erkennbares Problem mit dem Getriebe findet (keine ungeraden Clunks, kein Schleifen, ordnungsgemäßes Engagement für alle Gänge bei anwendbaren Geschwindigkeiten), dann gibt es keine Garantie für einen TCM Reflash. I8217m sicher einige Goodwill Ansprüche erlaubt eine bekannte TSB-Problem in der erweiterten Garantie-Laufzeit fixiert werden, aber der Schlüssel ist mit der TSB. Rückrufe sind staatlich vorgeschrieben, um ausgeführt zu werden, damit sie nicht durch die Garantiebestimmungen beeinflusst werden. 4) Diese Aftermarket Flashmod Dinge sind in der Regel in einer Weise, die isn8217t nachvollziehbar durch die Scan-Tools in der Shop. Das heißt, wenn der Aftermarket 8220flash geht falsch8221 there8217s nicht rote Fahne zitiert, dass die car8217s Speicher mit Kunden gehärtet wurde oft vorgeben, ignorant zu sein und sagen, sie didn8217t wissen, was passiert ist. Lesen Sie die riesigen Internet-Foren und sehen, wie oft Menschen ihre Autos reflash. Manchmal verursachen ihre Blitze tatsächlich Probleme (besonders wenn sie Schaltmuster und Kraftstoffabschaltungen ändern). Ich versuche mich, wenn das Volumen unbedeutend ist, diese hochkarätigen Ausreißer von deiner Garantie zu befreien, ist eine gute Sache, und es gibt keinen Grund, nach 36K Meilen einen Blitz zu haben. Wenn das gesamte ECM oder TCM einfach nur explodiert 8211 gut I8217m sicher, dass wird ein Thema für die Debatte Ich würde hoffen, dass dies noch garantiert wurde, aber ich weiß auch, einige Leute tun einige wirklich dumme Dinge zu ihren Autos. Die Anzahl der legitimen Totalausfälle der ECMTCM ist wahrscheinlich weniger als die unbedeutende Anzahl von Leuten, die diese Diablo-Tuner kaufen. Meiner Meinung nach, Reflaschen sollten nicht ein Teil der erweiterten Garantie sowieso gibt es keinen Grund für sie, sobald Sie die Basis Garantie Zeitraum zu löschen. Ich wünschte auch, dass TTAC Artikel veröffentlichen würde, wie das, was I8217m hier eintippt, anstatt nur ein Memo einzuklemmen und Leute zu sehen, die Schlussfolgerungen machen, wie z. B.8230 GM ist nicht mehr die Abdeckung von Kraftstoffpumpen unter der Basisgarantie8230 oder es gibt ernsthafte Probleme, wenn die Reflaschen ausgeschliffen werden Die erweiterte Garantie. Look up the extended powertrain warranty from Toyota or Subaru, etc. You won8217t find fuel pumps and injectors in there either. Just a reminder for GM8217s warranties: Base 36 months 36K miles (the budget-brands) Base 48 months 50K miles (premium cars) Incremental coverage that kick in when the base coverage ends: Extended PT 60 months 100K miles Roadside Assist 60 months 100K miles Courtesy Transportation 60 months 100K miles Rust 72 months 100K miles (all except Saab 9-3) Rust 120 months INF miles (Saab 9-3) Federal Recalls Lifetime (All are Transferable) I8217ll give you 1 if you can compile a list of all major failure modulesparts and the warranty coverages8230 for each model year and sales territory. I think that list will be a 50mb spreadsheet. I saw you started making some calls 8211 but this would easily take about 10,000 calls and the rest of your life to sort out. Michael Moore could make a movie out of this. Does Subaru offer a 880 warranty Is that a special add-on or maybe certified pre-owned I guess there8217s the federally mandated 880 SNAFU on all cars sold in states with smog testing but that doesn8217t apply to everyone since it can only be evoked if a car fails an emissions test. If you wish for more crisp shifts at 77K miles you8217re not going to get a TCM reflash when you complain to the service manager. I don8217t think any automaker touts this 880 a part of their regular or extended warranty since it8217s a federal regulation that is difficult to explain. That8217s why you won8217t find it on the OEM websites. I think some states have special emissions warranties out to like 10 years for ZEV, but it usually covers specific items like catalytic converters and not necessary major engine components. And there8217s the special hybrid warranty mandates. I think all of this is beyond the scope of GM8217s letter. Either way, fuel system repair warranty out to 100K is basically unheard of and really should be unexpected8230 except most of the comments were quick to criticize the statement as if the entire warranty on fuel systems was rescinded. To be honest I doubt customers really know what they8217re getting withwithout this coverage. They just feel like they got boned a bit by Government motors. Which means all GM did was butcher itself by amending an existing warranty to draw attention to the notion that the coverage was removed. Who out there knows the EPUS warranty cost for fuel pumps between 36K miles and 100K miles Oh yeah, GM does. Silly GM. ECMTCM reflashes are also silly to cover on a universal basis out to 100K 8211 and I totally understand why GM would want to avoid the hassle on the extended coverages. But at the same time they could have kept the offering to make peace with customers. It8217s weird Subaru draws a line between the ECM and TCM. Again, this wouldn8217t be an issue if GM had avoided drawing attention to it. The 880 emissions warranty is federally mandated and covers the catalytic converters and ECU is all cars. A car does not have to fail a smog test to qualify8211that8217s misinformation on your part. Subaru distinguishes between the ECU and TCU because the former is already covered for 880. 560 is less than 880, so no point in listing the ECU under their powertrain coverage. GM did list the ECU because the 100 part of the 5100 went beyond 880. The ECU effectively had an 8100 warranty. Now it again has an 880 warranty. The story here is valid. GM made a big deal about having the 8220best8221 powertrain warranty when it introduced the 5100 powertrain warranty. Now it8217s removing some items from that warranty. Thousands of people will have to pay hundreds of dollars more for repairs as a result. I don8217t see the need to make more phone calls than I made in about 15 minutes earlier today. A certain list of items were removed from the 5100 warranty. The question arose whether these items were typically covered by powertrain warranties. The answer is sometimes, but not in most cases. I don8217t see a single comment here that explicitly states that these items are not covered at all. Even if this was the case, this would not alter the above facts. You8217d like to believe that GM deserves no criticism for reducing its warranty coverage. But, as someone here noted, if you offer something at one time, then take it away, you8217re going to get criticized. Especially if the price of the vehicle isn8217t adjusted accordingly, and there8217s no indication that it has been. GM isn8217t the only one to be criticized for such a move. In recent years some European manufacturers started providing free maintenance. Then most of them stopped doing so. They took a hit for this, even though American and Japanese luxury car manufacturers never offered this perk. Chrysler would be taking a hit right now for backing off of its Lifetime Powertrain Warranty, even though no one else offers it, except that no one is taking Chrysler seriously at the moment. It8217s more like, 8220Oh, are they still around8221 Receive updates on the best of TheTruthAboutCars Recent Comments DepreciatedDerelict - Or when you uncompressed the calipers when installing the new pads caused overflow in the brake reservoir. Re: GM8217s Opel Sale Largely Complete, to Be Announced Next Week: ReportBig Al From Murica - Hopefully the Ad campaign will explain how Cadillac is as good as the European luxury makes, but GM was. Re: QOTD: Are V6-Engined Midsize Sedans Way Over The TopMaymar - I8217m mostly just disappointed when V6s are wasted on the slow, but for the few who use it properly, why not That said, as I8217ve. Re: GM8217s Opel Sale Largely Complete, to Be Announced Next Week: ReportBig Al From Murica - Did Opel in Europe ever get the big small block v88217s that the memorable Holden8217s sported And. Re: General Motors Not Giving a Damn in Three Photos56BelAire - Halftruth82308230.ditto. It8217s tiring listening to the whining here sometimes. If they are 8220offended8221 so much, why do. Re: Volkswagen8217s Arteon Looks Exactly Like We PredictedMaymar - One person8217s crowded is another person8217s well-fitted. I may not want to be cramped, but I also have no more interest in. Re: GM8217s Opel Sale Largely Complete, to Be Announced Next Week: ReportCaddyDaddy - The 2B sale proceeds. Increased RampD for improved small and midsize product line Strengthening a shaky pension. Re: 2014 Honda Accord V6 Coupe 6MT Long-Term Test: 36 Months and 45,500 MilesDepreciatedDerelict - Hey Jack, regarding the oil leak, have you considered inspecting your engine mounts Most new cars have. Re: General Motors Not Giving a Damn in Three PhotosRaevox - 8220he assembly, material wualkty quality, etc. in the interior of a Hyundai Elantra shames almost any GM vehicle even if the GM vehicle in. Latest Junkyard Finds view allGeneral Motors Should Offer All-Wheel Drive In More Of Its Core Vehicles: Opinion Desk Sponsored Links Even though General Motors is entering the second half of its global product renaissance, the fact that its market share is at an all-time low is peculiar, if not painful. And although some of the sales slump is related to GM8217s unwillingness to give away its vehicles with huge incentives (such as the 2014 Silverado and Sierra), a lot of it also has to do with product. And we wonder how much business The General is ignoring by not offering all-wheel drive on more of its core models. For instance, not one vehicle of Chevrolet8217s core car vehicle lineup offers all-wheel drive, including the Spark, Sonic, Cruze, Malibu, or Impala. It8217s true that the practice of offering AWD on cars (as opposed to crossovers, SUVs or pickup trucks) has traditionally been relegated to also-ran competitors like Subaru, whose brand hinges on AWD. But today, GM8217s direct competition, namely Ford, is beginning to offer AWD in an increasing part of their lineups, putting Chevrolet in a competitive disadvantage in markets where snowy and icy conditions are prevalent. Specifically, the Ford Fusion and Taurus both offer either FWD or AWD, compared to the Chevy Malibu and Impala, which come in front-drive form only, no matter the powertrain. Coupled with an otherwise competitive product, the drivetrain difference alone could be more than enough to get new customers to try the Chevrolet brand, in some cases, for the very first time. Heck, Subaru bases its entire value proposition reason for existing on making AWD standard across its lineup (BRZ excluded), so why can8217t GM 8212 a firm that sells 25 times more cars 8212 at least offer it, potentially conquesting many Subaru owners along the way For the time being, we remain hopeful that GM8217s next-generation vehicle architectures (including G2XX, D2XX, E2XX) deliver the option of all-wheel drive not only in crossovers, but also in cars 8212 such as the Cruze, Malibu, and Impala, thereby eliminating the competitive disadvantage currently enjoyed by Ford and by Subaru. And though the latter is not a major threat, it still presents a sizable opportunity to earn the business of traditional Subaru customers, while allowing The General to be (among the) first to market in the space, rather than waiting for competitors to pave the way. Our All-Wheel Drive Wishlist COMPETITION OFFERING AWD CHEVROLET CRUZEOPEL ASTRA FORD FUSION, SUBARU LEGACY FORD TAURUS, DODGE CHARGER, CHRYSLER 300 To note, respective platform mates of the Chevrolet Malibu (Opel Insignia) and Impala (Cadillac XTS and Buick LaCrosse) currently offer all-wheel drive. And if all that doesn8217t convince you, consider the strong base an AWD system provides for high-performance variants just imagine a tuned Cruze to battle the Golf R, or a segment-first high-performance Malibu. Sponsored Links Besides bringing you the latest GM News, GM Authority also has a great forum where you can post topics, ask and answer questions as well as discuss all things GM. Visit the GM Authority forum today mdash Chris Ecclestone News editor focusing on business, financial, and sales coverage who loves anything on wheels, especially if its fast. Sponsored Links Previous story General Motors Announces 3 New Recalls Affecting 1.54 Million Vehicles, Will Cost Automaker 300 Million Next story General Motors Recalls 303,000 Express, Savana Vans Over Non-Compliant Head Impact Equipment You may also like. Sponsored Links Subaru is one of the fastest growing brands, partly due to AWD8217s surefootedness in the snow, combined with car like handling and efficiency. Also, many people realize they want utility but can8217t justify something truck based. Offering sporty AWD sedans with a manual option would be great for GM. It would chip away at Audi, and Subie sales and would offer a driver8217s car for those who don8217t want the Freudian implications of a Corvette or a Camaro. AWD should become a standard option just like automatic or manual in GM automobiles. After driving an AWD Subaru Legacy for 4 years, I will never go back to 2-wheel drive only, unless it8217s in a sports car. BMW has been way ahead of the curve with their iDrive option. GM needs to catch up. As someone who works in sales at a GM dealership, yes GM should have some AWD models in the sedans. I don8217t think the Sonic requires it, but the Cruze would be a great addition as would the Malibu and Impala. We do have quite a few people who inquire about the Orlando but shy away when they find out it is FWD only too. The key is to make it affordable. If it adds 3000 to the price, I think people in the Cruze market may shy away. Malibu and Impala market could probably get away with that kind of premium charge. You are correct that they will shy away from 3,000 extra. The Cruze AWD would sell big time, so would the Malibu in AWD. As a fleet manager, I can justify 500 more than a Subaru for an AWD Malibu, but not 3,000. I have a small fleet, 55 cars around the US. But if you count that my small company drives 750,000 miles a year, it doesn8217t take long for me to need to replace those 55 cars, and when 16 of those cars are Subaru Legacys or Foresters. I replace at least 13 of my fleet each year. I bought a new For Fusion Titanium for the specific purpose that it had the option of AWD (which is what I wanted). Being a GM guy, i was saddened that if I wanted AWD, I had to spend an additional 8k over the already high 38k for the fusion, if I wanted an AWD midsize car from GM the Regal. So, I was left choosing from a Legacy, 200, or Fusion. This is not just a easy you build it and they will buy. It would take careful planning of what models and pricing to where people would pay. Also you would need to use a quality system like the Haldex to make it worth the while. The Cruze would be a tough one as would people pay the added 2,000 over the already higher price of a Cruze The Malibu could share the Regal system but again at what price. Are there many that would pay that much for a Malibu Same for the Impala as it could share the XTS system but again we are already over 40K with FWD. My thought is make Buick the AWD option division. It Buick is already at the price point. It also would help set them apart from Chevy. Also they would make a nice way to add power to their line and hook up over the FWD. Add to this Opel could share in all the AWD offerings and sell them in Europe to help with volume. Subaru has no issue with AWD as they have specialized in it for years and have a rep. Also many of their AWD are Foresters seen as a SUV. GM on the other hand has no real rep and also they offer a lot of CUV and SUV models with AWD options already. How many people would give them up for a sedan While this is a good Idea it would take careful though and planning. The reality is AWD is not a must even here in the snow belt were we see 70-100 inches of snow a year. In fact AWD cars are not all that common as most have CUV and SUV models if they have to have it. Generally most of us get buy with RWD and FWD just fine. But if there is money to be made I think with the right mix of models at the right price GM could make money. I would like to see Opel and Buick compete more with Audi here at a lower price. People are down sizing for the economy and how better to gain their purchase with a quality car at a lower price. But just adding AWD to a BU and Impala would be a tough low volume way to make it. I would be shocked if the would meet 5 of all sales for either line at the price they would have to charge. I would love to see what Fords take numbers are and transaction price. I also would love to see their distribution numbers. In Canada, the Fusion out sells the Malibu by a 4 to 1 margin. Canadians love AWD, so that could be a reason for the wide sales volume the Fusion have over the 8216Bu. It8217s not like anyone is saying GM should replace the FWD 8216Bu with AWD, offer both, give customers choices, and then align production with demand. I don8217t think it would hurt to offer AWD as an option on the more 8220premium8221 offerings such as the Impala, or more Buicks. but AWD is more of a want than a need. The only advantage AWD gives any car in adverse conditions is when you start. once moving it8217s a neutral benefit. especially if it8217s not a performance based AWD system with torque vectoring and a bias toward the rear axle. Even then, 99.9 of the customer base would have no idea how to take advantage of it. If trudging along in snow is the goal, just buy dedicated snow tires. It8217s far cheaper, and the car will be optimized for winter and summer driving8230assuming you switch to beater rubber when it8217s warm. Anyone who8217s driven in states with rough winters knows that you8217re more likely to see 4WD trucks, or SUVs and AWD 8220sports cars8221 that have gotten into bad situations simply because they thought they had the surefootedness to drive inappropriately for the conditions. I think GM should offer more awd but make the who want it pay for it It should be a premium and should cost that way Same thing for putting a manual in cars that don8217t deserve them If the few people who want manuals want them make them pay for them with a high premium If only a few people are going to check these options then they should be made to pay a pretty penny for it I also like the idea of one division being dedicated to awd Stephen Marcus says: Buick should focus on AWD, position itself a the poor man8217s Audi given that Mark Adams already tried to benchmark Opel fit and finish against Audi. This drop in market share at Chevy should worry everyone. Given the products, Caddy should be stronger, too8211ATS is limping along. Ford charges a premium, does well will high end trim and now from a price and feature perspective inches into old Mercury space. Chevy needs a cohesive design language. The current mash of looks does little for brand recognition. I admire the use of Kodo at Mazda in that thirty cars stand out. Ford8217s kinetic does the same. Chevy can not continue using Camaro for design cues when the car only appeals to a certain age and demo. Strangely, Buick is the only brand showing true steady growth with its being an alternate to high end luxury. GM should be taking note for Chevy. AWD is becoming more desirable for the demographic aging market, but GM has ignored refining or promoting AWD. I purchased a Buick AWD because I reside in the Midwest where snow and ice coupled with colder winters have made winter driving a longer season. First, Buicks with AWD are programed with over 4,000 RPM shift points which make driving noise annoying and gas mileage drop. Secondly, I have had the Buick in the shop three times for the rear axle warning light problems. I have no confidence that the AWD will work when it8217s needed. Buick blew me off when I complained about the high shift points and poor gas mileage. Their standard answer is that it is 8220normal.8221 After two years with the Buick, I am making plans to end our relationship and 8220step up8221 to an Audi. I am a fleet manager for a national company that has cars from Canada down to the Gulf Coast. Easily one third of my fleet are AWD cars, all Subaru Legacy or Forester models. I can purchase Legacy sedans all day long for under 21,000 which is what I barely buy a Malibu LS for. (the fleet Malibu is less) With employees in Canada, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and New England, an all wheel drive vehicle is vital for us to do our job. And even in the south, during the raining season, the all wheel drive is a safety issue. GM needs to get on board with AWD. If they are concerned about AWD taking business away from Buick or other models, it is already happening by not providing the AWD option at an affordable price. The Legacy is highly rated safety wise, and has the AWD system at a very reasonable cost. GM needs to be competitive otherwise fleet purchases and the public will go elsewhere to purchase their cars. Ken you are absolutely right about GM having nothing to compete with Legacy. And below the Legacy, Subaru offers the AWD Impreza which, even imported from Japan, is less expensive than a comparable Cruze. Unlike Cruze, Impreza can actually fit adults in the back seat and the interior is soft touch. Let8217s not even talk about reliability and resale value. The Cruze would be a great 13,000 car 17,000 with AWD. Ok lets clear some things up here. When I say lower cost Audi I do not mean 28K. I mean we are looking at 5K 8211 8K less than a comparable Audi. So to make it short we are talking cars 35K to 50K and properly built and equipped. I am not talking just the present Lacrosse or Regal but the Future cars bases on the new platforms including an AWD Alpha coupe that will spawn a Buick and Opel. If you saw Americarna on Velocity tonight they had a story on Rick Hendrick and his Corvettes. If you can catch it there was a Opel coupe concept drawing on Ed Wellborn8217s wall that represents the kind of car I am talking about. What I am not talking about is doing what old GM would have done and slap a lot of cladding on a Chevy, put some red dash lights in it and hack the price buy 4 grand and call it a upscale model. Brian people really do not have to have AWD. We got by with out it for years and most of us here where we get a lot of snow have no care for it as we know we can get around just fine in the snow with front or RWD on good tires. The reality is AWD brings in sales and money so if they need it or not you should consider selling it. Now here is the issue. The Cruze now is what 24K-25K in LTZ trim now correct. Now you add AWD to this and you face several issues. One it will add 1100-2000 to the price depending on how good the system is. Second it will add weight to the car. Finally it will drop MPG to the present car too. To do this right GM should redesign the car to include AWD at a lower price and weight to make it viable in a Chevy. The fact is the there is a limit to the present Chevy cars as to what people will pay for them. Finally how many will you sell Now can you come up with a good enough package at a price that will be attractive to buyers I mean you can slap this on the car but if it is too expensive and runs like a dog then is it really worth the investment at this time in this car. Now I have yet to see the D2XX as if it was designed to accept AWD but I would assume as flexible these new platforms are it will be. The Alpha is already too. The bottom line is just because it is a good idea you still have to work with what you have and you need to figure out how much money you will make as what is the use if the car is not going to be class leading. You would be better off waiting till you can do it right. I think GM is at this point now as they are still fixing the issues of the main line cars and these lower volume models will come in time. AWD does not pay the bills but it does enhance profit so at some point they will visit this is my feeling. Right now Buick has a whole line of new product coming and will be moving to a price point higher that will let them offer Haldex systems that are as good as anyone on the market. To most it is seen as the best system available. But you could slap a cheap system in a Malibu like that is in the Nox and people will be disappointed as t is not a top dollar system. While it is AWD it8217s traction is no where near the Haldex in the Buick or Cadillac. GM has 5 more years of rebuilding to go as they are only 5 years in on a 10 year program to get them to where they need to be. Their will be gaps till then and missed markets but as long as they focus on the main products the smaller segments will come in time. Buick is just now finding room to expand with Cadillac moving up the price chain. In this industry it is good to think like a car guy but you also have to still consider how to pay for all of this and how to do it right and still make a profit. At times you can8217t just always just do what you want not even GM. No one thought Cadillac could compete with BMW and Benz, well today they are. Buick is going to have t move to a higher price point and be the kind of car they need to be. Can they compete with a Audi 4 or 5 yes and they will with what is coming. Judging Buick today based on present product is not what anyone should do as this stuff will be gone soon and the coming product will be as dramatic as the CTS was to Cadillac. No more left overs for Buick. Opel will also share I the new dramatic product too. It is not a matter of if they can but they both have to live a little larger and higher in class. Stephen Marcus says: You need to read up on Audi history. In addition, they share much engineering with VW which is quite like the ChevyBuick situation. What, exactly, has made Buick unique or special over the last 30 years: Sadly, nothing as result, they are a brand being rebuilt from the ground up sharing much with Opel that currently benchmarks everything except power against Audi under Mark Adams grip. It will be a decade before Buick can command premium pricing in NA so people are going to view it as a discounted European styled marque (as opposed to Caddy Art and Science American design launuage) Lastly, why do you suggest Chevy is connecting well with the US buying public Chevy is in transition, like the rest of GM, and so far only Impala and Corvette have been hits yet, nonetheless, the brand faces strong demographic challenges as opposed to Ford who had gained share are Chevy8217s expense. Are you serious EVERYONE knows what Chevy is about. It8217s what it8217s ALWAYS been. The value and segment busting every man8217s car. It8217s completely unrestricted by pretension, perceptions of class, and even price. We have a brand that sells 12k cars and 130K cars on the same showroom floor and nobody even thinks twice about it. Chevy just makes the best cars it can in a segment8230period. But it8217s ok if the value angle is used when speaking of a Chevy, because Chevy never claimed to be a Porsche, or a Jag, or a Lexus. It simply happens to have a few cars so good in their segments that it is compared against cars costing twice as much. All of GM8217s other brands fell off or no longer exist because GM forgot and neglected what made the brand solid or worth having in the first place. NONE of GM8217s brands were at their best when they were being what a direct competitor in the market was. If you want to dominate in a segment, you lead. You set the tone. You are the innovator. And most importantly you break out heads and shoulders above the crowd by doing your own thing is such a way that others want to be you and emulate you. Buick used to be a high quality, solid, understated luxury car. It made no apologies for what it was, and was sought after by those who had money, but more sense or no desire to to be flamboyant about it. (that8217s what Cadillacs were, and are for) Now Buick is some forget me too, vanilla mobile. Like an expensive Camry. Heck your average Buick doesn8217t even command a price that makes you cross that line of thinking of it as a true Luxury car. At best a modern Buick is 8220entry level8221 luxury. And real talk, most people on the street don8217t even see it as that. Sorry8230 I understand GM is trying to get it8217s act together. But GM disrespected it8217s brands, market, and customers for too long. And now they have a hard long road back to just being number one again. Stephen Marcus says: I disagree, people below the age of 45 have a conflicted view regarding what Chevy its all about. For starters, for years had lacked a consistent design language splashing between the Germanic looking Cruze, the semi sporty Malibu and the Baby Boomer chasing Camaro. Also, allowing halo Corvette to decline, become the 8220plummers dream8221 car only more for first time or urban buyers looking at a Sonic or Spark. Chevy is a damaged brand. The demos (sub prime loans to push cars no defining hit like Focus or Accord the manner in which college grads shun the brand which means lower sales in certain regions) demonstrate this. Also, Chevy has failed to gain traction on the coasts which should worry everyone given Ford8217s recent gains. Coming in 4th place in car sales behind Honda does not suggest a well understood and managed brand. Chevy needs a decade to rebuild. American shoppers are forgiving, look at Ford or Toyota after the recall. Given the massive pockets at GM this its doable provided the marketing meets moment. Stephen, you8217re doing the classic 8220short sighted take8221 on GM and Chevy as a whole. You speak of a lack of coherent design across the brand (which by the way does not matter except to enthusiast) for years and then mention cars that have barely existed let alone been on the road more than a life cycle. I8217m talking in terms of DECADES. By your measurement every time a new model comes out, GM will be breaking the design language. When it comes to the youth, there is one point most everyone keeps missing. THERE ARE NO JOBS I interact and deal with the 18-26 crowd everyday in my work environment. And I can guarantee you that Chevy (Camaro, Corvette, Full size trucks, and SUVs) are on their radar. They simply can8217t afford them. And that8217s not just a Chevy issue. That8217s something ALL car makers are struggling with. And finally, the Corvette has always been a common man8217s dream car That8217s the F8217ing point of the Corvette. A car that gives you all of the style and performance of an unobtainable European sports car at a price that any hardworking stiff can afford with a little effort and planning. That IS Chevy. A common man8217s car that doesn8217t come across as one. Now like I said before. GM forgot that. And the public reacted accordingly. Now GM is working hard to reverse that. Unfortunately they have a hard long road ahead of them. Audi did come from basic roots as it was not much more than a Opel class car years ago. Only till you get to the 808217s did it start moving up. Today they do some platform sharing but they do a pretty good job of hiding it outside of the SUV class. As for Buick moving up it will take a a little time but the next gen will move them much as the ATS and CTS already has moved Cadillac. The truth is Buick has to fundamentally change to be represent. Also GM has to transition Opel more too as they are in a very competitive market and by moving some of their models up it will give them a better chance to compete in Europe. Buick though will not take as long as Cadillac8217s transition basically due to the fact they already have new platforms coming that much more refined. Also GM has the money to move them faster along than Cadillac. Finally they have a group running GM that is more responsive they have had in their history. The only thing that will slow them down Is public perception but the new product will determine that. I agree Chevy is in transition. But I give them more credit than you do. As of now the Malibu and Sonic in my eyes is the only real under producer. The impala, Camaro, Corvette have been most praised but the Cruze as sold near class leading and is already getting a upgrade. The Spark as quirky as it is has done better than most Micro cars in the American market. Many of which like the IQ and Smart that are no longer on the market. the Nox is selling at class leading levels even though it is one of the oldest in the fleet. Ford on the other hand has the Taurus that is doing ok but not leading The Fusion that was a home run. The Focus that has been doing well and the Mustang that was doing ok but was second in sales to the Camaro. I like the new one and it should sell well but it is early yet. Ford in its revamp is 5 years ahead only because they were worse off financially first. They got the bank loans much before GM was bailed out when banks were still loaning money. They yet are paying off these loans that were leveraged on the backs of their plants. Ford did not gain in the market on just Chevy as they have does so at the expense of Toyota, Honda and Chrysler too who has not really had a competitive small car since the Neon. With Chevy on the verge of releasing the second gen of their new cars it should continue the growth. The Malibu is not a car that will be around long since the platform is about up. As for the Sonic it has not been a crash and burn as it has improved over the Aveo but they need to find a way to compete better with the other small cars in class. Things like a RS with a real performance advantage and maybe some other trim levels in the line to help market the car better. We have 5 more years to get things back to level ground here and part of that is to move Buick up and into a little different package than before to set them apart. They have to fill that price gap between Chevy and Cadillac and are the last to see new product. I think they will be the division that will surprise many on how they will change as they are the one who needs the most change. They will need to compete in the that 35-55K range in luxuryperformance and will be given new surprising product to do so. People will speak more about the cars than where the portholes even if they have them are. Of late they have had good cars just real inspiring when all people can do is comment on port holes. Stephen Marcus says: I could not agree more, and see BuickGMC in NA as an amazing distribution channel with uber fat margin. Buick its already 50 percent through its transformation and will be able to increase both volume and margins significantly over the next five years. I view Buick as GMs answer to Lincoln in the short term with further growth going forward. I8217m amazed how few buyers know of Auto Union8217s humble roots. Robert Moore says:2015 Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 Concept Is Ready To Rock: LA 2014 Sponsored Links Chevrolet has finally revealed to the world the Colorado ZR2 concept. which we have been waiting for for quite some time now. Though not confirmed for production, the concept looks more like a production show truck than a non-production concept truck. If we all shout loud enough and flash our money around, it will hopefully encourage Chevrolet to green-light this Ford F-150 Raptor fighter . To whit some history: the ZR2 nameplate is 20 years old. Back in 1994, Chevrolet first introduced the ZR2 package in the compact S-10 pickup. Soon after, it was added to the S-Series Blazer in 1996. The package was available through 2003 on the S-10 and in 2005 on the Blazer. And it made it to the last-generation Silverado in concept form. as well. Visually, the 2015 Colorado ZR2 concept sets itself apart from basic models with noticeably higher ground clearance and more extreme approach and departure angles at 30.7 and 22.7 degrees, respectively, versus the 25 and 21 degrees of the 2015 Colorado Z71. The new fascias also feature integrated, flip-out aluminum tow hooks, with a built-in winch in the front. The rear, however, sacrifices the CornerStep bumper for a better departure angle. From the ground-up, the Colorado ZR2 is seemingly built for intense rock climbing and fording water, as well as a spirited run through some mountain trails. It also has technology and stuff. And the 2.8L Duramax diesel engine that will roll out next year. More on that in a moment. For now, take note of the mono-tube coil-over shock absorbers by King Off-Road Racing Shocks, which are designed for greater suspension travel and feature remote-mounted fluid reservoirs that add to the capability of the 2015 Colorado ZR2 concept. The reservoirs for the front shocks are accessible and mounted in the wraparound portion of the front fascia. They are complimented by front control arms specific for the ZR2. Of course, the impressive feature set doesn8217t stop there, as the Colorado ZR2 concept also features ever-necessary electronic-locking front and rear differentials, which are capable of distributing torque to 27565R18 off-road tires, mounted on custom 18-inch aluminum multi-spoke, bead-lock wheels accented by wheel flares. As such, the footprint of the Colorado ZR2 is wider than that of the base models. The center section of the wheel design has a raw aluminum appearance with black accents, while the bolt-on bead-lock cover is orange-anodized aluminum. The truck bed of the Colorado ZR2 features a full-size matching spare wheeltire assembly with a quick-release handle. The bed also features the protective spray-in bed liner available on production Colorado models, GearOn accessories and a 48-inch Hi-Lift jack. Meanwhile, the exterior is painted Cyprus Green with Henna Orange accents. ZR2 badges are all over the place and a hood insert nods to GM8217s Heavy Duty trucks. Back to the technology and stuff. Within its Jet Black interior, the Colorado ZR2 incorporates a ready-to-go auxiliary toggle and four additional toggle switches: two for winch in and winch out operation and two for the electronic front - and rear-locking differentials. Back to the engine. The 2.8L Duramax mated to a six-speed automatic transmission, in this application, is estimated at 181 horsepower at 3,400 rpm and 369 pound-feet of torque at 2,000 rpm. The combination is most likely an indicator of what we can expect when the engine is officially offered next year on the 2016 Colorado and 2016 GMC Canyon . Now, join us in the officially-unofficial movement to get Chevrolet to bring the Colorado ZR2 to market as soon as possible. Update: it looks like Chevy will bring this concept to life as the 2017 Colorado ZR2 . 2015 Chevrolet Colorado ZR2 Concept I don8217t think this truck is for everyday driving even though you can. It8217s a diesel engine and has low HP probably for offroading to improve traction. The torque is off the charts at 369 pound feet. This truck will never get stuck cause all that torque and low HP will get it out of any mess. This truck will perform great off road, but probably frustrating of highways and everyday driving. I think its awesome, but I agree with you to a point if I was using it everyday id want more HP, personally Id like 350 HP plus 369 lb ft torque and lower 2 inches. Those are the specs for the I4 duramax that is going to be offered in all canyon and colorado trucks, not just this ZR2 concept. It puts out pathetic power numbers both for its displacement and for the hefty weight of this truck. Like the LFX this is looking to turn into another brain dead GM Engine choice that is going to be a fail. It will work if it puts out epic fuel economy numbers, is a zero cost 8220upgrade8221 or both (neither is likely). GM should have gone with the VM Motori 3.0L V6 like Chrysler did, instead they went with an inferior 2.8L I4 and they8217re going to end up suffering for it. Sam McEachern says: TORQUE PEOPLE, TORQUE. I will take torque over horsepower for everyday driving any day. Getting a heavier vehicle up to speed quickly is what torque allows. Ever seen a semi tractor without it8217s trailer It moves out Horsepower is only advantageous when you have the luxury to go very fast. It8217s hard to believe the amount of whiners here. Consumers have been crying for diesels for years in the U. S. in vehicles smaller that heavy duty pickups and GM finally delivers and what do some of you do, whine. The Colorado extended cab with the 2.5 four gas (don8217t have weight for the diesel yet (anyone)) weighs 4140 lbs in 42154 form. 369 lb torque will MOVE this thing off the line without a problem. My 821796 Impala SS weighs over 4000 lbs and comes with 260 hp and 325 ft. lbs torque. It is the torque that kicks 5.08217s butts all day long. I will buy this beautiful 8220concept8221 if they come out with it and enjoy the fuel economy that the diesel gives. The six-speed will allow the engine to stay within it8217s bandwidth and offer decent performance. I plan to use the truck for off-roading as well, and a diesel will be perfect for rock-crawling. Can8217t wait. Gentleman, 181 hp and 396 lbs torque are better than the first gen 5.9 cummins desiel which was 140 hp and 400 lbs of torque. 181 hp and 396 lbs of torque in a smaller truck than the Ram with the 5.9 cummins will be awesome. If any of you has driven the first gen 5.9 cummins Ram know what I mean. Torque is king And a lot of fun Compare: First Gen Cummins 5.9 I-6: 140 hp, 400 lbs torque. GM Duramax 2.8. 181 hp, 396 lbs torque. Clear Winner It would be nice to see the tuners push this engine to 300 HP and 450-500 FT LBS. Most engines have that much room. Now if GM can offer this in packages that will keep it 30K to no more than 40K. When I said no decal trucks in the past this is what I meant. Now do not de-content it to the point it becomes a decal truck. Look at the torque figures, not the outtight hp. We have this engine in the Aussie Colorado and they are no slouch. Drive one before you make bullshit comments, its not supposed to be a drag racer and its not a Silverado. Youll get a surprise when you stick the boot into it Many here do not understand diesels let alone turbocharged engine. Torque is a lost item on them. We are just now seeing people putting Duramax engines in come older cars where they are seeing 1500 FT LBS and some decent HP readings. It is amazing what these new day hot rods are doing. I can not count how many videos there are on the web of large diesel trucks out running a Viper etc with just a simple tune. Like I have said so many Americans do not like Diesels just because they just do not understand them. The only thing I do worry about is in this country it is getting more and more difficult to tune a Diesel with all the new laws and added emission equipment that also drives up the price. Also I thing many don8217t consider the 300 HP V6 would also be offered. NOBODY is going to be surprised when they put their 8220boot8221 into this truck. And NOBODY ever thought it was going to e a dragracer. But its piss poor specs indicate instead of being a decent all-around engine its just going to be a slug on the highway. This thing is going to struggle to pass a civic if the other driver accelerates at all. In conclusion the only 8220bullshit comment8221 here was yours. You either don8217t drive on the highway (in which case your opinion is not relevant to the discussion) or you have no understanding of power (in which case your opinion is not relevant to the discussion). Go and drive one you dickhead, I live in the country and these Utes are our bread and butter in Australia, you can pass road trains easily (50 yards long and travel at 60 mph) let alone your shit box Civic. Do you not know what low down torque is. These things sit on 1800-1900 rpm at 60 mph and will do 105 mph on a open road easy8230 Look schmuck, the engine option will not be out for another year, so nobody can 8220go drive one8221. What I have driven is a quab cab ecodiesel. You8217re simple, so I will take the tim to point out to you that it uses a modern diesel (even more sophisticated than the embarassment going into this truck) with a higher power:weight ratio than this truck has, with a substantially superior transmission. Here8217s the fun part8230 IT IS STILL A SLUG. I can8217t help it if you all drive like old women in Australia, many people in the United States don8217t drive that way and will be sorely disappointed with the highway performance of this truck. Periode. No matter how much you you want to whine about how special your diesels are, anything with a similar power:weight ratio as this truck is SEVERELY UNDERPOWERED. If you took a semester of physics 101, or even just had a day8217s worth of empirical evidence you could dry your eyes off with your dress and realize how stupid you sound with your moaning. The points you bring up announce your ignorance to the rest of the world, make you look stupid, and really should leave you feeling embarrassed. Top speed is irrelevant, bringing it up makes you look like a fool. Its not 8220top speed8221 that is relevant, its how long it takes you to get up to that 105 mph, which will be nearly forever in this slow trash. Cruising RPM is irrelevant, and bringing it up makes you look like a fool. Doubly so if the numbers you provided are correct (1800-1900 rpms at 60mph would be WAY high). You guys allegedly speak English in Australia, go back and read what I actually wrote. This engine, in this truck, will SUCK on the highway. It will take FOREVER to pass anyone, and will NOT be able to pass a civic if the civic driver decides to put his foot into it at all. As it currently stands this engine is going to FAIL miserably. Its only chance is if it is upgraded significantly or if it becomes a no cost upgrade over the LFX. Don8217t hold out hope for either. The LV3 and L83 are the only two engines that should have been offred in these trucks. Here is a case one Right makes a wrong. As you can see he has no real grasp of how a diesel works. Also he has not counted how easy it is to tune a diesel for more power and never even having to turn a bolt on the engine itself. If Gas engines could do this kind of torque we would not be seeing he HP reading we have now. This would not be a slug. Many NHRA drivers are now using I6 engines with conservative power but high torque yields for sportsman racing. their are far from slugs with sub 10 sec quarter mile times. As it is even with this engine as an option it will only account for a small volume of this models sales. The bulk will be for the V6. Now I think it would be interesting to see a LNF Eco Turbo with 300 HP offered. I have this in my car now and with 340 FT LBS it would make a nice package for those who are afraid or do not understand diesels. It has max torque from 1800 RPM to 5300 RPM. With the new tranny they may be able to add more than the Solstice GXP 340 FT LBS. Look muppet, you are just repeating the same junk from above. You accuse others of not understanding how things work when ironically you didn8217t understand the post you are responding to. This engine is UNDER POWERED. It will be a SLUG on the highway. It makes exactly ZERO difference if you take 10,000 lb ft of torque at 100 rpm, and I make 175 lb ft of torque at 6000 rpm. I WILL PASS YOU ON THE HIGHWAY. Honest to god, learn what a transmission is and how a gear works before posting. You will embarass yourself less. I don8217t think this is as bad as many of you are making it out to be. Torque is what really matters in a truck. In addition, that HP figure really isnt that bad. They are proposing: 181 hp and 369 lb-ft torque at 2,000 rpm The last 2003 GMC Sonoma I had sported this engine: 120 hp (8289 kW) 5200 RPM 140 lbft (176190 Nm) 2800 RPM 8211 We are talking 3 times the torque, 1.5 times the HP, at lower RPMs. The HIGHEST, most powerful Trim, The Vortec 4300 sported 180 hp (134 kW) 4400 RPM and 245 lbft (332 Nm) 2800 RPM 8211 Once again, we are talking a hair more HP, and 50 more torque. I never heard anyone complain about either motor. In 2013, the base Silverado sported a motor with 195 hp (145 kW) 4600 RPM and 260 lbft (353 Nm) 2800 RPM In 2012, the Ram 1500 base engine was 215 hp (160 kW) 235 lbft (319 Nm). That torque wasn8217t hit until 4000 RPM. The 2013 Base silverado weighed 4,596 lbs to 5,487 lbs The Colorado weighs 3,930 lbs to 4,520 lbs 2013 Silverado: 23.57 lbs per HP. 17.68 lbs per ft-lb of torque 2015 Colorado diesel: 21.71 lbs per HP. 10.65 lbs per ft-lb or torque 7.9 increase in HPLB and Thats a 40 increase in torque per lb, and it all hits at a lower RPM. Lets compare the big diesel: 365 hp (272 kW) 3200 RPM 8211 660 lbft (895 Nm) 1600 RPM. 5,717 lbs to 6,689 lbs (2500HD) 15.66 lbsHP and 8.66 lbsft-lb torque. That is a 38.6 increase in HP per lb, and a 23 increase in torque per lb What this should tell us: This engine is in no way underpowering the Colorado. In fact, it should outperform a Silverado with a base engine. It should also be comparible to a mid-engine Silverado performance-wise, which isn8217t too bad given its a lower price point, higher fuel economy, and a smaller truck. It way outperforms historical versions of the vehicle, and should be more than enough power for the typical user. The extremely high torque levels are unheard of in this small of an engine, and I anticipate day-by-day driving experiences to be excellent - Similar to driving a V8 powered Silverado. I hope that you realize that you are comparing base engine options that virtually nobody purchased at the time precisely because they were such garbage. The only people that did buy them were to go after an extremely low end truck that was probably purchased for 10K cheaper than what a diesel canyoncolorado will retail for. I8217m sure if you lopped 10K off the price of a diesel canyon or colorado you wouldn8217t hear complaints about the anemic power figures either. Diesel colorados and canyons are going to be very heavy. The VM motori 3.0L V6 diesel used by Ram weighs in close to 500 lbs, this engine is going to be in the same ballpark. It will probably weigh in at an easy 100 lbs more than the LFX, making the poor underpowered engine have to work that much harder to move the truck along. 1. The problem with this is that the Vortec 4300 weighed around 500 lbs. So the diesel adds a few lbs - does that really change the equation 100 lbs is more weight, but is a 2.5 increase THAT much more weight when your already around the 4000 lb mark. If I lost 100 lbs, would I expect my entire driving experience to change 2. The Vortec 4300 and the Duramax Diesel I referenced were the top engine trim options, not bases. 3. You are right that few people take the base trim - about 10 according to Ford. But what I hear you essentially saying is that the Diesel is a big upgrade from the base motor, but not as good as a beefy V8. While there is something to be said about being a purist, The Diesel is more powerful than the most powerful engine of 10 years ago, and is a significant improvement over the 8220base8221 engine option. Those in itself make it more than worthy. The 3.6L option available today is 305 HP and 275 lb-torque, but not until 4000 RPM. If you look at the HP and torque curve for the 3.6L LFX, per SAE Certification, at 2000 RPM you see 220 ft-lb of torque. at 3400 RPM, you see about 160 HP. The reason why this is important is simple - consider your driving behavior. How often do you run your truck over 5000 RPM in real-world driving You don8217t. the beauty of this diesel is the torque and HP curves. You see the peak power where you use it. I see this with a lot of engines today - on paper they are great, but they don8217t have the power where you need it. Peak HP means little if you can never use it. Now compare that with the torque and HP curve of the Diesels out there. They peak torque not at 4800 RPM, but at or below 2000, once again, where you use it. When I tune my race cars, I don8217t have them tune it for peak HP, I tune it for a good smooth power band and work hard to get my lower-end numbers up, because in racing - or real world driving - you need that torque and HP at different speeds and gear ratios. It is one of the reasons I have always respected the BMW engines. They may not have great numbers, but if you8217ve driven one you know the idea of 8220the power is there where and when you need it8221, which goes well. When I had my 4.7L ram, on paper it outperformed my 5.3 liter chevy engine, but once again in real world driving experiences, the chevy engine gives me power when I need it while the 4.7L was never able to respond. If you look at the power curves for the 4.7L, at 2500 RPM, 280 lb-torque and 120 HBP. The 265 hp wasn8217t available until 5200 RPM, and the torque curve looks like pikes peak hitting 325 right at 3600 RPM, but dropping more than 40 - 1000 RPM. That meant to do any sort of towing or similar, you8217ve got to run the engine right around 3000-4000 RPM at all times, limiting you to 180 HP, in a full size truck, and dropping fuel economy to dismal numbers. If I look at the torque curve for the 2.8L Diesel, I8217m darn impressed. While official SAE figures are not yet available to my understanding. We are looking at about 300 ft-lb or more from 1600 RPM to 4000 RPM. If you averaged the power at each PM point, you8217ll see that the Diesels torque out performs even top trim non-diesel engine options. But what about HP While this is certainly 8220less important8221 than most make it out to be. (HP is all about compensation, right) Your looking at about 115 HP at 2000 RPMS, smoothly rising up to 181. That trusty 4300 Vortec 90 HP at 2000 RPMs. The current 3.6L LFX 85 HP. The current top engine, the 3.6L LFX is outperformed by this 2.8L diesel in both HP and torque until 3000 RPMs. When I drive trucks, I spent most my time under 3000 RPM - don8217t you The 3.6L LFX does offer higher HP figures from 3500 RPM and above, but sports 30 less torque over that portion of the band. In short, comparing the TOP trim engine to the diesel per your suggestion, in real world driving, the Diesel will outperform the 3.6L engine at virtually any point in the RPM spread, even if on paper its numbers lag in the realm of HP. Under 3000 RPM or so, the diesel outperforms it drastically on all metrics sporting 40 more torque and 27 more HP, which is where most truck users use it. On top of that, while somewhat of a speculation, most analysists are suggesting fuel economy above 30mpg, In short, 16 better fuel economy, 27 more HP, and 40 more torque in normal driving conditions than the current top-of-the-line model. To me that is pretty darn compelling the more I look at it. The entire point that I raised, that I have maintained throughout this entire string of comments, is that this truck is too heavy and underpowered for functional highway driving. It will be fine driving around town, or if you never drive quickly or pass anyone. Once you want to pass a line of traffic by going from 60-80 or 60-85 this thing is going to fall flat on its face. I do this daily. Anyone who wants to get anywhere on the roads I commute on does this daily. This truck is going to have issues just merging in with high speed traffic in some instances. Its going to be ATROCIOUS trying to merge into traffic while towing anything. If you drive slowly, or never have to pull anything and merge you might not notice these limitations. Although one would wonder at the reasoning behind paying a premium for this motor if you never do anything with it. Get your head out of your ass dickhead and open your mind. You can8217t make a comment on something you haven8217t driven. You won8217t have any drama with a truck like this in the conditions you8217ve mentioned. As for Aussies driving like Grandmas we are still, only just, a V8 country. Every car I8217ve got other than my work truck (PX Ford Ranger) is a V8, one a Holden Ute, the other a 63 Impala and I drive the wheels of the effing things. If you think the Colorado is too gutless, just go and buy a Silverado. Personally I think most of you guys will be blown away how well these 2.8 Duramax diesels go. Trust me, I8217ve done a burnout with one8230 I don8217t need to drive this truck to understand it is woefully underpowered. You have two major problems here. Problem number one is you lack a simple high school level understanding of physics. You are wholly incapable of understanding what power is, and appropriate power requirements for a given situation. Your second problem is that you8217re from a backwards country where people clearly drive like old women, you have no concept of how the roads and traffic patterns work here. You are wrong. You have been wrong. At those specs the engine will be a monumental failure. If you want to keep running your mouth then put your money where your mouth is. We will define terms for success and arrange for an escrow service to hold our money for the allotted timeframe defined in the wager. Winner takes all. PM me or post an email address I can reach you at and I will set it up. I am happy to arrange for an escrow service to No point arguing with you mate, we8217re not getting anywhere here8230. What do you drive now that makes you so goddamn special Can8217t wait till that truck comes out in the states and people realise it does have a bit of get up and go. Numbers on a bit of paper don8217t always relate to real world drivability and you8217re too pig-headed to keep an open mind and drive the bloody thing when it eventually comes out. GM are trying something left field for the US market, something from past experience I know will work extremely well. This truck will have more than enough power, torque and off-road ability to please a lot of people and I applaud GM for trying something different. If the world were run by blokes as conservative as you we8217d be still all driving bloody T models Checked out the performance times for 0-60 on this truck, 9.8 secs, not too shabby for a vehicle of this size and weight. Electronically limited to 110 mph, and reaches this figure in 35 seconds from a standing start. Still not bad for a truck that8217ll get 30 mpg8230. Here8217s what I don8217t get about you saying these trucks will be a dog to pass things in8230I own a 2001 Crew Cab F350 Dually with the 7.3 Powerstroke (bonestock) never once have I had a problem passing anyone on the highway. Even with the a trailer on it. So to get to my point (if I remember correctly) the PSD was rated at 210ish HP at 3,000 rpm and something like 425 LB 8211 FT of torque at 2000 rpm. So you have a 920 lb motor that produced a mere 16 more horse power and 15 more torque in a truck that weighs somewhat like 7500 lbs and have no problem passing people8230.I would say torque is kinda important. Besides don8217t fight with the Aussie man8230.They have this truck you don8217t, I would take a real world view over your keyboard hero Ford 6.0L PSD driving ass. Your trolling makes all the rest of us Americans look like freaking idiots. Shut up already Look at the thumbs up and down rating at the bottom of your ridiculous posts Scott3 is right. Torque. Ever drive a Golf with the tiny, low HP 1.9L TDI The thing will pull uphill in overdrive, where so many high HP gasoline powered cars shift down and become asthmatic. This will be the best engine in the Colorado Canyon by far. The above ZR2 would be an excellent 25K truck. For the likely north of 40K, trademark 8220New GM8221 insanity pricing, one would be wise to choose a Cummins Ram 42154 that8217ll put hair on your chest. Keith Dunlap says: This concept looks great and need to be offered (I assume the V6 gas engine will be available too with the ZR2 trim). I have a 2015 Colorado ordered and will be buying a 2016 ZR2 if it goes to production. I owned three ZR2s back in the S-10 days and loved them. I8217m a sucker for this rig. I8217ll probably buy it regardless but would prefer the short bed crew cab with 8spd 5.3 gas V8. If I end up with the 4 pot Duramax I sure hope they tune it to 220hp and 400 lb ft and mate it with the the required 8spd. What kind of 3rd member axle size are they talking Better to be bigger. I really like the look of the Colorado and I am excited about the diesel, but this ZR2 package is what8217s selling me hard Looks amazing and has the off-road mechanicals to back up its off-road warrior look. It has to be offered in crew cab if I8217m going to buy though, gotta think about having a kid in the next 3-5 years8230 I need a full back seat. My one gripe is that GM isn8217t thinking forward at all by putting a six speed on that motor. It should be an 8 speed like the Jeep8217s 3L diesel. That is the future (and a nice bump to Chevy8217s average brand fuel economy. Please make this GM, and please but an 8 speed in it I would hate to be an Engineer for GM. They design things like the Revolutionary 4.5 Duramax, only to watch Dodge take the Crown for 12 ton MPG on diesel trucks, 7 years after the 4.5 could have been in production. Now they design the Colorado ZR2 but in will never go in to production. You may ask how I know. Because once they design something that I would buy, they never produce it. I know GM as the company that cries WOLF. What a TEASER.
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